Pretty, Pretty Poinsettias

Handmade White Gum Paste Poinsettia Flowers (go me!)
Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Christmas orders this year were cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes! It presented a great challenge for us since we haven't made gumpaste flowers in a while. I was nervous at first but - TA DA! - they came out great! We made Christmas cupcakes for a bridal shower, as a thank you gift for a local banker, and as party favors for a holiday dinner. We spent the whole holiday season decked out in red and green sprinkles. (Needless to say, I was thrilled - it was Christmas-y and sparkly. What more could a girl ask for?)

More Red Velvet Christmas Cupcakes
Poinsettias, Holly, and Ornaments

We ended up making dozens and dozens of Christmas-themed cupcakes. It was a three-man job (special thanks to Mike who stepped up to the plate and helped us decorate... and helped us maintain our sanity in the wee hours of the morning) but we're really proud of the end results. We heard great things from everyone who ordered cupcakes and we're looking forward to being even more creative next year.

Happy 2010!


  1. Those poinsettia cupcakes look amazing!

    Keep it up!



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